Prenuptial Agreements
If you want to draft a prenuptial agreement and need the help of a law firm we are the right people for the job. A prenuptial agreement is an agreement between both husband and Wife on how they will manage their assets and property after they get married. Who will get what and how much he she will get it. Not only this but also what will happen if the husband and wife separate then how will be the division of assets made. So it is a plan of how will the assets be divided upon divorce or how the assets and propert will be controlled during the marriage life. So it is a financial contract that tells how a couple will manage the financial aspects of their marriage life.
So a prenuptial agreement is a plan for the unexpected mishap that is a divorce e.g. So it is a backdoor exit that protects your rights and assets and property. So a prenuptial agreement must be prepared in a very careful and thoughtful manner.
What happens if a couple doesn’t make a prenuptial agreement?
If a couple doesn’t have a prenuptial agreement and they already got married it the marriage will be valid. But if a couple later separate in the form of divorce then the property and assets will be divided according to the Thai family law system. So it is better to write a prenuptial agreement that protects your assets and property.
Why you need a lawyer?
A Prenuptial agreement is valid if the requirements are met and also it must be in accordance to the Thai law. So a lawyer can assist you in this matter.